Greetings you wonderful amazing and awesome curious soul!
Thank you for coming along with us on this journey as we explore a new direction and shift into something more us.
We know we took a bit longer than we said we would (this email was supposed to reach you back in July...), but we wanted to present something considered, which took us more time than we anticipated.
Everything is finally in place however, and we are super excited to share with you what's up and what's new with empori!🎉
New direction: quotidian
As we shared in our previous email, we had decided to commit to shifting fully into exploring the quotidian!
Which is really just a very fancy word for 'everyday'.
Starting with conversations, and now taste, we find that these 'everyday life things' that are seemingly mundane are actually full of potential for curiosity and delight. But only if you slowed down enough to really look.
There'll probably be a manifesto cropping up in the next few months about the whole aesthetics of the quotidian rabbit hole we've gotten ourselves into, so we'll just stop here for now, lest we go on forever.
Obviously, a new direction also means shifts in our familiar offerings...
What's new in Why So Curious? (again)
Looking back, it's almost ironic how literally 6 months ago we sent you guys an email with this exact same title.
So what's new in Why So Curious? this time round?
New intention
Previously, Why So Curious?, as its name suggests, was about piquing curiosity.
Seeing as we didn't overhaul the name of the newsletter, it's clear that the curiosity aspect of things hasn't changed. What has shifted is our target for curiosity, which is the quotidian!
As we shared at the beginning of this post, the curious delights in our everyday life require that we slow down and pay more attention to the little things in our lives.
So it goes without saying that the new intention of Why So Curious? is to help you slow down. We hope that the newsletter will inspire you to take more time to turn over and appreciate the seemingly mundane things around you.
Because we're going with the going deep instead of going broad approach, we had to take out some things from our beloved newsletter...
Goodbye Corndex & HEP

We bid goodbye to our oldest friends, the Corn and Orange Corndex and Head Exploding read. It's been wonderful sharing all these curious finds and reads with all of you. But we must usher in a new generation of segments!
We haven't really gotten rid of our Unicorn Index for good however. We'll be putting them up on our Instagram highlights so you can revisit them anytime instead of digging through months of newsletter back-copies. (You're welcome.)
We're also flirting with the idea of bringing back Corndex in the future, in the form of in-depth interviews (because we secretly really like interviewing people).
When we have time and money and a crew...we shall achieve!
Some things will never change
Although we had to say goodbye to Corndex and HEP, our other segments aren't going anywhere.
Why So Curious? is still anchored on a monthly Little Big Question, although you might notice that we're asking questions that has more to do with the quotidian.
Tsundoku is also here to stay. We can never give this up.
If we must suffer Tsundoku, then all of you are coming with us.
Ahem, but yes, enough beating around the bush.
What are the new segments?
3 new segments!

Shallow Reading
Okay, so maybe we lied about killing off Head Exploding Read. The segment has gotten an upgrade and has been renamed Shallow Reading.
Instead of simply chucking a passage there for your reading leisure, we'll go on a shallow-dive of the excerpt with you. Because you know, paying more attention + slowing down and all that good stuff.
LibraRIan's Round-Up
We've got plans to churn out more content at a higher frequency here at the library. But to not spam your inboxes every time we decide to go on a posting spree and incite mass unsubscribing, LibraRIan has decided to do a roundup of the month's posts so you can see them all in one place! We'll also be throwing in announcements of new IRL events and experiences here, so keep an eye out!
the little things in life
As we contemplated how we'd like to reflect our new direction in the newsletter, it felt like all the changes we've come up with thus far weren't big enough. But maybe that was exactly why we got stuck. Because there's nothing big about everyday life. The quotidian is built on many many little things. And so, the little things in life was born. It's a very small segment where we share the little things we've found curious or delightful, or even deeply moving in our everyday life.
We may or may not also be experimenting with some new segments here and there over the next few months. Don't hesitate to let us know if you really enjoyed something, or better yet, DIDN'T enjoy something. You know where to find us.
We've also got new websites!

Yep, instead of having our official empori homepage share space with our library, we thought it'd be less confusing if they were two separate things.
So now, the empori library has its own shiny subdomain:
While our official empori website occupies the boring old:
What's the difference between the two sites you ask?
The place you find (boring-ish) information about empori. Who we are, what we do...yada yada. But also a quick overview of what our current projects and events are + links to our future shop and other fun places =x. We'll leave you to explore
Where all our digital content and experiences are located. We call it a library because it's easier than calling it publication/blog/wiki/repository thingy.
tldr; homepage = info. Library= content.
That's all from us this month! We hope to have more new and fun announcements in the future.
Until then, we hope our new offerings find a new cozy spot in your life.
As usual, stay curious!